Confidence, disability and fashion

Working out how I disguise myself into what the public perceives as ‘normal’ in preperation for my first footsteps outside in nearly 3 years. As someone who’s chosen to start a trial of wearing white during the same month that my nose started bleeding everytime my dog wags her tail, it’s safe to say myContinue reading “Confidence, disability and fashion”

Ableism and Me(dia) – how a disabled celebrity went on TV and became a trigger

***TRIGGER WARNING***This post has examples of ableist language which some might find confronting and / or triggering. Please only read on if you feel able to. For more information on charitable organisations who can support your mental health when you’re experiencing physical challenges, please visit my Get Support page. ***TRIGGER WARNING*** The subject of ableismContinue reading “Ableism and Me(dia) – how a disabled celebrity went on TV and became a trigger”

Sick of guilt – being the ‘cared for’

***TRIGGER WARNING*** This post will talk about grief, family, mental health, chronic pain and the role of carers. Please only read on if you feel strong enough. For more information on organisations and charities that can support these issues, visit my mental health and suicide prevention support lines page, or my Get Support page forContinue reading “Sick of guilt – being the ‘cared for’”